“Arabian Nightmare” is an enthralling novel set in the desert, by Giles Rokeby. The story follows Helen Middlemass, a strong, independent woman who embarks on a desert expedition that defies societal norms and tests her personal boundaries. Told from multiple perspectives, including Helen’s devoted husband Arnold and the entranced Edmund Wilson, the novel explores themes of love, power, and freedom. The characters undergo profound internal transformations, paralleling their physical journey across the harsh and mesmerising desert. The book captivates with its vivid imagery, complex characters, and tension-filled plot, offering readers an immersive experience that challenges conventional views on love and power.
“Arabian Nightmare,” penned by the gifted Giles Rokeby, is a gripping narrative that skillfully intertwines elements of adventure, unexpected turns, and an intricate exploration of power dynamics and unspoken desires, all set against the striking expanse of a desert landscape. The novel traces the odyssey of Helen Middlemass, a woman characterized by her unyielding spirit and fierce autonomy. Her desert expedition not only pushes the boundaries of societal expectations but also challenges her personal limits.
The narrative unfolds through the perspectives of various characters: Arnold Middlemass, Helen’s steadfast husband; Edmund Wilson, who is captivated by her; and others, each revealing different facets of the themes the novel explores—love, dominion, and the pursuit of freedom.
Rokeby exhibits a masterful talent in crafting a narrative that takes a deep dive into the psyches of his characters, making the story as much about their internal transformations as the physical journey they undertake across the desert. The novel stands as a testament to the potent power of storytelling in unveiling the profound depths of human emotions and the intricacies of human relationships.
Set against the backdrop of a desert landscape that is as harsh as it is hypnotic, “Arabian Nightmare” seizes the reader’s attention with its vibrant imagery, multifaceted characters, and a plot that maintains a relentless tension. The book is more than a must-read—it is an immersive experience for those who seek a narrative that defies traditional viewpoints on love and power, set against the eternal charm of the desert’s enigma.